We help businesses utilize creative video assets. We tell stories. We want to help you tell yours.


Developing Videos for a Purpose


Why video?

Video content is VITAL for your business today. We make sure to capture who a brand is, what they do, what their passion is, what makes them special, and how they improve their clients lives. All of this is done with the idea in mind that we are creating informed, convinced, and genuine potential leads that are excited to get the chance to work with you.


What we do?

We meet with clients, and conduct an in-depth assessment of their business + story. It’s important for us to know what you do, why you do what you do, and why you’re so unique. This helps us so that these stories can be shared in a strategic brand story. Developing authentic and engaging video assets with our experienced team members is a challenge we are used to, and we love. We also make sure to check back in with you later to make sure the video is performing as expected. The success of our clients is important to us.

Why us?

Unlike other videographers or production companies, Digital Stories Productions primarily focus on two things: problem solving with video, and telling stories. We work with you to develop particular video assets that are tailored uniquely for you and your own business. We help you connect and inform your clients in meaningful ways, all before they even speak to you on the phone or in person.


Why we do it?

Digital Stories is all about connecting people through shared experiences and stories. We love movies and our time working in the film industry, but we believe that companies & business leaders need their stories told too. Developing a specific video strategy along with your video asset is our way of exploring an exciting realm of independent film making. This is done all while saving our clients time & money, so they can use those saved resources for future exciting & lucrative opportunities.